Saturday, May 21, 2016

Reflections on "How To Blog" by Rob Beschizza

                                                                      How to blog

This article talked mostly about the way a blogger should act in his blog, it dwelled on the things that a blogger should do and should not do, using the writer’s experience and point of view they showed the reader a plan of some sort that would help them to blog the right way.

After reading this article I obtained a clearer idea of what blogging is. When Rob first asked what is blogging it was after him talking about different other ways for someone to express themselves by writing about it, he also talked about how most bloggers get employed by magazines if they have a big reader base, or if the magazine liked the way they write. By saying that he gave blogging a flavor of importance, since it is an opportunity to find a job even in this age where people post constant updates of their lives, which he describes as what blogging really is. From there we go to the difficulties that a blogger could face, weather it is from not finding sponsors to their blogs or if the sponsor wants a blog that talks primarily about their products or ------, in the latter it would mean that the readers are going to be tricked by this and might feel betrayed by the righter, since a blog is mostly something from the blogger himself, reading their blog would give a person an idea of who the blogger is.
But there are other mistakes that a blogger could fall into and one of them is mostly pretending, as in talking about yourself or your opinion in a blog while it doesn’t represent you, trying too hard to be funny, because your readers will notice that. “Don’t blog about yourself, unless you’re doing what you blog about”. But all that does not mean that a blog is you talking about yourself, as Rob said that your reader will get board of you and you will get board of yourself. And most importantly for me was the “Don’t be an Arsehole” where he explained that critiquing someone on the internet should be well thought, and no personal attacks should be made, because that will back lash at you.

So now you have what to write about and how to do it, but a blog is a public space where anyone can come, read, then give their opinion, meaning that mean people will say mean things. But Rob points out that this blog is yours, so if you don’t like comments feel free to disable comment, but never change your style because of critics, just  “don’t stop doing whatever it is that brought them to you”, those dedicated readers that keep coming back.

All in all, this article showed me what blogging is, since I never really knew what is was about, and mostly gave some good ideas on how to handle my own blog space in the future.

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